Thanks for visiting my homepage.
email: info@dr-andre.euMy book "Smile darling" as download available now: treatment without extraction of teethIn most cases
such persons are parents who, of their own accord
or on referral
by their dentist, take charge of problems related to
children’s teeth. In other cases they are young adolescents
who are
unhappy with their teeth. The speach is aimed at showing
that every
form of tooth alignment is a visual sign of the respective
personality. Opting for a technical solution alone (e.g.
correction by means of a fixed appliance with brackets) is
not enough to
achieve lasting results with “beautiful, straight
teeth”. Rather
what is needed, while taking a holistic approach,
is to foster
an understanding of the three components (BODY –
of which a human being is made. Only a treatment
modality that
takes account of these three entities will effect a
change in teeth alignment. These changes come hand
in hand with
changes in a person’s personality, since the current
status is
influenced by the treatment/self-treatment. However, it is
not the
therapist who is changing the patient, but rather the patient
is changing
himself/herself. The therapeutic approach is “help for
self-help”. We
humans will be able to store in the long term only
what we
ourselves have learned. Anything that is proffered to us
by “well
meaning” others (“I’m doing that for you”) will not be
retained by us
or properly learned.
The aim is to enable you to gain an understanding of the position of the
teeth against a medical and wider background. It is aimed at presenting ONE/or
viewpoint so that from the cornucopia of information
available you
will be able to make your own decisions.
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"Zahnregulierung/KFO"Implants – metal free – Prostheticssorry - under reconstruction Pictures see button German version = "metallfrei"Neurofunctional bite-reconstructionsorry - under reconstruction Pictures see German button = "Bisslage"